

FTDI Chip是一家总部位于英国格拉斯哥的半导体公司,成立于1990年。该公司专注于设计和生产高性能的USB转串口芯片和其他USB接口芯片,以及提供相关的软件和开发工具。FTDI Chip的产品广泛应用于工业自动化、医疗设备、消费电子、通信设备、汽车电子等领域。 FTDI Chip的USB转串口芯片是该公司的核心产品之一,其特点是高性能、低功耗、易于集成和使用。这些芯片支持多种操作系统和开发平台,包括Windows、Linux、Mac OS X、Android等。此外,FTDI Chip还提供了一系列的开发工具和软件,包括驱动程序、API、示例代码等,以帮助客户快速开发和集成其产品。 除了USB转串口芯片,FTDI Chip还生产其他类型的USB接口芯片,如USB转GPIO、USB转I2C、USB转SPI等。这些芯片可以帮助客户实现各种USB接口的功能,从而简化系统设计和开发。 FTDI Chip的客户遍布全球,包括工业自动化、医疗设备、消费电子、通信设备、汽车电子等领域的知名企业和创新型公司。该公司的产品和技术得到了广泛的认可和赞誉,被誉为USB转串口芯片领域的领导者之一。 总之,FTDI Chip是一家专注于USB接口芯片设计和生产的半导体公司,其产品和技术在工业自动化、医疗设备、消费电子、通信设备、汽车电子等领域得到了广泛的应用和认可。

Low Speed/Full Speed Host Controller USB 1.1/USB 2.0 1.8V/3.3V T/R 48-Pin LQFP 市价
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FTDI Chip is a leading provider of innovative semiconductor solutions that enable the creation of advanced electronic products. The company specializes in the design and development of USB connectivity solutions, which are used in a wide range of applications, including industrial automation, consumer electronics, and medical devices. Founded in 1990, FTDI Chip has established itself as a trusted partner for companies looking to integrate USB connectivity into their products. The company's products are known for their high performance, reliability, and ease of use, making them a popular choice among engineers and designers. One of FTDI Chip's key strengths is its focus on innovation. The company invests heavily in research and development, and has a team of highly skilled engineers who are constantly working to improve its products and develop new solutions. This commitment to innovation has enabled FTDI Chip to stay ahead of the competition and maintain its position as a leader in the USB connectivity market. FTDI Chip's product portfolio includes a wide range of USB connectivity solutions, including USB-to-serial converters, USB hubs, and USB bridges. The company's products are designed to be easy to use and integrate into existing systems, making them a popular choice among OEMs and system integrators. In addition to its USB connectivity solutions, FTDI Chip also offers a range of development tools and software, including drivers, APIs, and development kits. These tools make it easy for engineers and designers to integrate FTDI Chip's products into their designs and develop custom solutions. Overall, FTDI Chip is a company that is dedicated to providing innovative solutions that enable the creation of advanced electronic products. With its focus on innovation, reliability, and ease of use, FTDI Chip is a trusted partner for companies looking to integrate USB connectivity into their products.
ln Stock:1245


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