
TT Electronics / BI Technologies是一家全球领先的电子元器件制造商,总部位于英国。该公司成立于1902年,最初是一家生产电阻器的公司,随着时间的推移,公司逐渐扩大了业务范围,现在涵盖了电感器、电容器、磁性元件、传感器、开关和连接器等多个领域。 TT Electronics / BI Technologies的产品广泛应用于航空航天、国防、医疗、工业、汽车、通信和消费电子等领域。该公司的客户包括全球知名的公司,如波音、洛克希德·马丁、通用电气、西门子、爱立信、三星等。 TT Electronics / BI Technologies在全球拥有多个生产基地和研发中心,其中包括美国、英国、墨西哥、中国、印度和马来西亚等国家。该公司致力于不断创新和提高产品质量,拥有一支专业的研发团队和先进的生产设备,以确保产品的高性能和可靠性。 TT Electronics / BI Technologies的使命是成为客户信赖的合作伙伴,为客户提供高品质、高性能的电子元器件和解决方案。该公司的价值观是以客户为中心、创新、诚信和团队合作。

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TT Electronics / BI Technologies is a leading global provider of electronic components and solutions for a wide range of industries, including aerospace, defense, medical, industrial, and transportation. The company has a long history of innovation and expertise in the design, development, and manufacturing of high-quality electronic components, sensors, and systems. TT Electronics / BI Technologies was founded in 1961 and has since grown into a global company with operations in Europe, North America, and Asia. The company's headquarters are located in Woking, UK, and it has manufacturing facilities in the UK, the US, Mexico, and China. The company employs over 5,000 people worldwide and has a strong commitment to sustainability and corporate responsibility. The company's product portfolio includes a wide range of electronic components, including resistors, capacitors, inductors, sensors, and connectors. These components are used in a variety of applications, including power management, signal conditioning, and data acquisition. The company also offers custom solutions and design services to meet the specific needs of its customers. TT Electronics / BI Technologies is known for its high-quality products and its commitment to innovation. The company invests heavily in research and development to stay at the forefront of technology and to develop new products that meet the evolving needs of its customers. The company also has a strong focus on quality and reliability, and its products are designed to meet the highest standards of performance and durability. In addition to its product offerings, TT Electronics / BI Technologies is also known for its exceptional customer service. The company has a team of experienced engineers and technical support staff who work closely with customers to understand their needs and to provide customized solutions that meet their specific requirements. Overall, TT Electronics / BI Technologies is a leading provider of electronic components and solutions with a strong commitment to innovation, quality, and customer service. The company's products and services are used in a wide range of industries and applications, and its global presence and expertise make it a trusted partner for customers around the world.
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