
FOX是一个全球性的媒体公司,总部位于美国加利福尼亚州的洛杉矶。该公司成立于1985年,最初是由澳大利亚的新闻集团(News Corporation)创建的,后来在2013年分拆成两个独立的上市公司:21世纪福克斯(21st Century Fox)和新闻集团(News Corp)。 FOX是一个多元化的媒体公司,旗下拥有众多的电视网、电影制片厂、有线电视网络、卫星电视服务、体育媒体和数字媒体等业务。其中,FOX电视网是该公司最著名的品牌之一,它是美国四大广播电视网之一,拥有众多知名的电视节目,如《辛普森一家》、《24小时》、《美国恐怖故事》等。 除了电视节目,FOX还拥有20世纪福克斯电影公司(20th Century Fox),这是一个全球知名的电影制片厂,制作了众多经典电影,如《泰坦尼克号》、《星球大战》、《阿凡达》等。此外,FOX还拥有FOX新闻频道、FOX体育、FX电视网、国家地理频道等多个知名品牌。 FOX在全球范围内拥有广泛的业务,其电视节目和电影在全球范围内都有广泛的观众群体。此外,FOX还在数字媒体领域拥有强大的实力,其数字媒体业务包括FOX.com、FOX Sports.com、Hulu等,这些平台为用户提供了丰富的内容和服务。 总的来说,FOX是一个多元化的媒体公司,其业务涵盖了电视、电影、有线电视、数字媒体等多个领域。该公司在全球范围内都有广泛的影响力和观众群体,是一个备受关注的媒体巨头。

1100E-20MHZ FOX
1100E-040.000000MHZ FOX
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FOX Corporation is a leading media and entertainment company that operates through its subsidiaries, including FOX News Media, FOX Sports Media Group, FOX Entertainment, and FOX Television Stations. The company is headquartered in New York City and has a global presence with operations in the United States, Europe, Asia, and Latin America. FOX News Media is one of the most prominent news organizations in the world, providing breaking news, analysis, and opinion on politics, business, entertainment, and sports. The network has a loyal audience of millions of viewers who rely on it for accurate and unbiased reporting. FOX News Media also operates FOX Business Network, which provides financial news and analysis to investors and business leaders. FOX Sports Media Group is a leading sports media company that produces and broadcasts some of the most popular sports events in the world. The company has exclusive rights to broadcast major sporting events such as the NFL, MLB, NASCAR, and the FIFA World Cup. FOX Sports Media Group also operates regional sports networks that provide coverage of local sports teams. FOX Entertainment is a leading producer and distributor of television shows and movies. The company produces some of the most popular shows on television, including The Simpsons, Family Guy, and Empire. FOX Entertainment also distributes movies and television shows through its subsidiary, 20th Century Studios. FOX Television Stations is a group of television stations that broadcast in major markets across the United States. The stations provide local news, weather, and sports coverage to millions of viewers. FOX Television Stations also produces and broadcasts popular shows such as The Masked Singer and MasterChef. FOX Corporation is committed to providing high-quality content to its audiences across all its platforms. The company has a strong track record of innovation and has been at the forefront of the media and entertainment industry for decades. With its diverse portfolio of businesses, FOX Corporation is well-positioned to continue its growth and success in the years to come.
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