
TOROTEL是一家成立于1956年的美国电子元件制造商,总部位于宾夕法尼亚州的哈里斯堡市。该公司专注于设计、制造和销售高性能电感器、变压器和电源转换器等电子元件,广泛应用于航空航天、国防、医疗、工业和通信等领域。 TOROTEL的产品线包括高频电感器、功率电感器、变压器、电源转换器、滤波器、磁性元件和定制电子元件等。这些产品具有高效、高可靠性、高温度和高压力等特点,能够满足客户的各种需求。 TOROTEL的客户包括世界各地的航空航天、国防、医疗、工业和通信等领域的知名企业,如波音、洛克希德·马丁、通用电气、霍尼韦尔、西门子、爱立信等。该公司在全球范围内设有销售和技术支持中心,能够为客户提供及时、专业的服务。 TOROTEL一直致力于技术创新和产品质量的提升,拥有一支高素质的研发团队和先进的生产设备。该公司的产品符合ISO 9001和AS9100质量管理体系标准,并获得了多项国际认证和荣誉,如美国国防部的认证、航空航天质量认证等。 总之,TOROTEL是一家专注于高性能电子元件制造的知名企业,其产品广泛应用于航空航天、国防、医疗、工业和通信等领域,具有高效、高可靠性、高温度和高压力等特点,能够满足客户的各种需求。

101699-001-G TOROTEL
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TOROTEL is a leading manufacturer of high-quality electronic components and assemblies for the aerospace, defense, and commercial industries. The company was founded in 1956 and has since then been committed to providing innovative solutions to its customers. TOROTEL is headquartered in Hatfield, Pennsylvania, and has manufacturing facilities in both the United States and Mexico. TOROTEL's product portfolio includes a wide range of electronic components such as transformers, inductors, and power supplies. The company also offers custom design and manufacturing services to meet the specific needs of its customers. TOROTEL's products are used in a variety of applications, including avionics, communication systems, medical equipment, and industrial automation. One of the key strengths of TOROTEL is its commitment to quality. The company has a rigorous quality control process that ensures that its products meet the highest standards of performance and reliability. TOROTEL is certified to ISO 9001:2015 and AS9100D, which are internationally recognized quality management standards for the aerospace and defense industries. TOROTEL's success is also due to its focus on innovation. The company invests heavily in research and development to stay ahead of the curve in terms of technology and product design. TOROTEL's engineers work closely with customers to understand their needs and develop solutions that meet their specific requirements. In addition to its commitment to quality and innovation, TOROTEL is also dedicated to sustainability. The company has implemented a number of initiatives to reduce its environmental impact, including the use of renewable energy sources and the implementation of recycling programs. Overall, TOROTEL is a highly respected and trusted supplier of electronic components and assemblies. The company's commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability has earned it a reputation as a leader in the industry. With its experienced team of engineers and state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, TOROTEL is well-positioned to continue to provide innovative solutions to its customers for many years to come.
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