

TDK Epcos是一家全球领先的电子元器件制造商,总部位于德国慕尼黑。该公司成立于1999年,是TDK Corporation和Epcos AG两家公司的合并而成。TDK Epcos的产品范围广泛,包括电容器、电感器、磁性元件、传感器、滤波器、保护元件、无线充电解决方案等。 TDK Epcos的产品广泛应用于汽车、通信、计算机、消费电子、工业自动化、医疗设备等领域。该公司在汽车电子领域拥有强大的市场地位,其产品被广泛应用于汽车电子控制系统、发动机管理系统、车身电子系统等。在通信领域,TDK Epcos的产品被广泛应用于手机、平板电脑、路由器等设备中。 TDK Epcos一直致力于技术创新和产品研发,拥有一支强大的研发团队和先进的生产设备。该公司在全球范围内拥有多个研发中心和生产基地,以满足客户的需求。TDK Epcos的产品质量得到了广泛认可,其产品已通过ISO 9001、ISO/TS 16949、ISO 14001等多项认证。 TDK Epcos的使命是为客户提供高品质、高性能的电子元器件和解决方案,帮助客户提高产品质量和竞争力。该公司一直秉承“创新、质量、服务”的核心价值观,不断推动电子元器件行业的发展。

B72500D200A60 TDK Epcos - Available stock
ESD Suppressors 0603 20Vdc 56pF Ceradiode CDS3C20GTA 0.0134
B72500D200A60V9 TDK Epcos - <em class="rohs">Lead free / RoHS Compliant</em>
ESD Suppressors CeraDiode CDS3C20GTA 0.0735
B72545R40M52 TDK Epcos - Available stock
Surge Suppressors SHCV SR2220M4GS 市价
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TDK Epcos is a leading manufacturer of electronic components, modules, and systems. The company was founded in 1999 as a joint venture between TDK Corporation and Epcos AG. TDK Epcos is headquartered in Munich, Germany, and has operations in over 80 countries worldwide. TDK Epcos offers a wide range of products, including capacitors, inductors, transformers, sensors, and power supplies. These products are used in a variety of applications, such as automotive, industrial, telecommunications, and consumer electronics. TDK Epcos is known for its high-quality products, innovative solutions, and excellent customer service. One of the key strengths of TDK Epcos is its research and development capabilities. The company invests heavily in R&D to develop new products and technologies that meet the evolving needs of its customers. TDK Epcos has a global network of R&D centers, including facilities in Germany, Japan, China, and the United States. TDK Epcos is also committed to sustainability and social responsibility. The company has implemented a number of initiatives to reduce its environmental impact, such as using renewable energy sources and reducing waste. TDK Epcos also supports various social and community projects, such as education and disaster relief efforts. In recent years, TDK Epcos has expanded its business through strategic acquisitions. In 2017, the company acquired Tronics Microsystems, a leading manufacturer of MEMS sensors. This acquisition strengthened TDK Epcos' position in the sensor market and expanded its product portfolio. Overall, TDK Epcos is a highly respected and innovative company in the electronic components industry. With its strong R&D capabilities, commitment to sustainability, and strategic acquisitions, TDK Epcos is well-positioned for continued growth and success in the future.
ln Stock:800
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