
Vishay General Semiconductor

Vishay General Semiconductor - Diodes Division是一家全球领先的半导体公司,专注于设计、制造和销售高品质的二极管和整流器。该公司成立于1951年,总部位于美国宾夕法尼亚州马尔文市,是Vishay Intertechnology的子公司之一。 Vishay General Semiconductor - Diodes Division的产品线包括各种类型的二极管和整流器,如快速恢复二极管、肖特基二极管、桥式整流器、超快速二极管、Zener二极管等。这些产品广泛应用于电源、通信、汽车、工业、医疗、消费电子等领域。 该公司拥有先进的生产设备和技术,以及一支专业的研发团队,致力于不断提高产品的性能和质量。同时,Vishay General Semiconductor - Diodes Division还拥有完善的销售和服务网络,为客户提供全方位的支持和服务。 作为一家具有悠久历史和丰富经验的半导体公司,Vishay General Semiconductor - Diodes Division一直秉承着“质量第一、客户至上”的经营理念,不断创新和进步,为客户提供更加优质的产品和服务。

ICM0805ER261M Vishay Dale - <em class="rohs">Lead free / RoHS Compliant</em>
SMD 0.3881
Someone has searched this part IC Chips and others have searched some relevant parts as the following:

Vishay General Semiconductor - Diodes Division is a leading manufacturer of discrete semiconductors, including diodes, rectifiers, and transient voltage suppressors. The company is a division of Vishay Intertechnology, a global leader in the design and manufacture of electronic components and systems. Vishay General Semiconductor - Diodes Division has a long history of innovation and excellence in the semiconductor industry. The company was founded in 1962 as General Semiconductor, and was acquired by Vishay Intertechnology in 2001. Since then, the company has continued to develop new and innovative products, and has expanded its global reach to serve customers in a wide range of industries. One of the key strengths of Vishay General Semiconductor - Diodes Division is its broad product portfolio. The company offers a wide range of diodes and rectifiers, including standard and fast recovery rectifiers, Schottky diodes, Zener diodes, and TVS diodes. These products are used in a variety of applications, including power supplies, lighting, automotive, and telecommunications. In addition to its standard product offerings, Vishay General Semiconductor - Diodes Division also offers custom solutions to meet the specific needs of its customers. The company has a team of experienced engineers who work closely with customers to develop custom products that meet their unique requirements. Another key strength of Vishay General Semiconductor - Diodes Division is its commitment to quality and reliability. The company has a rigorous quality control process that ensures that all of its products meet the highest standards of performance and reliability. This commitment to quality has earned the company a reputation as a trusted supplier of high-quality semiconductor products. Overall, Vishay General Semiconductor - Diodes Division is a leading manufacturer of discrete semiconductors, with a broad product portfolio, a commitment to quality and reliability, and a strong focus on innovation and customer service. With its global reach and experienced team of engineers, the company is well-positioned to continue to grow and succeed in the semiconductor industry.
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